Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, July 24, 2010

I Know What You Are...(17 weeks)

....and Kara is VERY happy that she has a sister!!!!

I wasn't going to tell Kara (or anybody else) the gender of our babies but she desperately wanted to know if there was a girl, so I decided to tell her if there was one.... whether there was one or two, she would only be told one and the other is a surprise! If there were two boys, I would have been in trouble lmao.

We had our 4D scan on wednesday and whilst it was not a medical scan at all, the twins looked great. Moving HEAPS and already looking cute (in an odd way :P). One of the babies likes to stick its butt in the other's face lol and you can see this in pic 1...
Kara has now named the babies Ab and Bab, as they have always been labelled A and B LOL but since finding out that there is a girl in there, she has decided to call her Madison. She thinks if she continues to do it, that it will have to be her name when she is born.... she hates the name I love lol.

Not much else to report really. I still have morning sickness and vomit a lot at night but the medication helps most days. I feel HUGE and am not liking the weight that's starting to creep onto my butt and legs but I suppose I'll have to deal with that lol. I can't believe I'm already 17 weeks pregnant ~ it's going scarily fast and I have SO much to do (while I can still move) and to buy. The clothes shopping has begun :P but I am trying not to go too crazy. It's very difficult though lol.


Monday, July 19, 2010

16 Weeks!!!!

(15 weeks, 5 days: taken by Miss K at Australia Zoo)
I'm feeling very very happy about reaching 16 weeks :). My doctor told me right from the beginning that once you hit 16 weeks, you pass the danger period.... obviously it's still early in the pregnancy and anything can happen, but the risks are significantly lower now.

My princess and I just arrived home from Queensland and to say we had a ball is an understatement. It was an amazing week ~ just being able to have each other's company was enough for us both but to escape Adelaide's awful winter for a week and replace it with warm sunny days.... that was a bonus!

Now for the twins.... they move sooo much now! I just love it ~ it's a reminder that they are both strong and 'ok'. The morning sickness is still around ~ vomiting at night is routine now and if I forget my tablet, I vomit all day lol. I have a bad feeling it's going to be with me until the twins are out ~ I hope I'm wrong.

We are having a 4D scan on Wednesday night (two days away!!). I always get nervous before scans but this one is purely for us to see them ~ not for a medical purpose. I'm hoping their legs aren't crossed so I know if they're shes or hes but only time will tell.

V xxx

Thursday, July 8, 2010

14 Week Shot!

Thanks Tanya T soooo much for taking a couple of shots for me~ it's so difficult to get a decent pic with the timer lol.

This was taken on July 6th (14 weeks 3 days)....when I measured it today, my stomach has grown from 23 inches to 35 inches... it's growing sooooo fast.
Pregnancy shots with Kara!

Your Big Sister

I'm guessing that one day, we'll look back on this blog when the babies are older. I will want them to know how lucky they are to have Kara in their world.
My Princess is just so excited at the idea of being a big sister. Since the day I told her I was pregnant, she has showed nothing but joy and excitement. When it was confirmed that I was pregnant with twins, the first thing Kara said was "I told you". And she did. She told me for about 5 years that I would one day have twins.... two girls she said. That part is yet to be seen lol.

So Twin A and Twin B, you're very very lucky. Kara is so looking forward to meeting you both and I am looking forward to see her in her new role.
PS my belly is HUGE. Will post some pics as soon as I get them!