Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, July 19, 2010

16 Weeks!!!!

(15 weeks, 5 days: taken by Miss K at Australia Zoo)
I'm feeling very very happy about reaching 16 weeks :). My doctor told me right from the beginning that once you hit 16 weeks, you pass the danger period.... obviously it's still early in the pregnancy and anything can happen, but the risks are significantly lower now.

My princess and I just arrived home from Queensland and to say we had a ball is an understatement. It was an amazing week ~ just being able to have each other's company was enough for us both but to escape Adelaide's awful winter for a week and replace it with warm sunny days.... that was a bonus!

Now for the twins.... they move sooo much now! I just love it ~ it's a reminder that they are both strong and 'ok'. The morning sickness is still around ~ vomiting at night is routine now and if I forget my tablet, I vomit all day lol. I have a bad feeling it's going to be with me until the twins are out ~ I hope I'm wrong.

We are having a 4D scan on Wednesday night (two days away!!). I always get nervous before scans but this one is purely for us to see them ~ not for a medical purpose. I'm hoping their legs aren't crossed so I know if they're shes or hes but only time will tell.

V xxx


  1. Hey V, glad you had a wonderful holiday with Kara maybe the last together before the babies arive! I can't believe how much you have popped out, you look gorgeous! Sorry to hear that you are stll sick but I so understand, I hope it is not with you the whole time as it was with me I wouldn't wish that on my worest enemy!

    Big hugs Kylie xx

  2. Thanks Kylie x

    I was sick with Kara most of the time ~ it stopped at about 20 weeks but then came back... this is different though lol. Much more vomit lol (and I'm soooo over it).

