Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, August 27, 2010


Oh dear. I just measured my waist and it has hit 100cm. When I was pregnant with Kara, I remember measuring it at 30 something weeks and it was 107cm... it is growing sooo fast.

The movement at the moment is amazing. You can see my stomach squirming from the outside now ~ I love it because it tells me the munchkins are getting stronger and stronger.

I can't help thinking that in 2 weeks, they have a 40% chance of survival. Not that I want them in 2 weeks... but it is on my mind.

I can't believe I'm 22 weeks tomorrow... I keep looking at the ticker at the top of my blog and she seems to be walking along a little too fast!

V xx

Saturday, August 21, 2010

21 Weeks....

Now measuring around 28 weeks.... the babies have moved up heaps since the last pic ~ there's not much more room for them to go up, so it's all out from here on lol.

Wow. I cannot believe how fast this pregnancy is going. Each week is flying by and I'm growing by the day.

The babies move so much now. I'm feeling a lot more kicking over the past few days ~ they're getting stronger. I find myself watching my belly as it moves and contorts ~ it's just so different with twins. Kara moved A LOT but I always knew which part of her was where. This time, I have no idea. I move in 3-4 places at once sometimes and can't for the life of me work out if it's arms, legs, heads or butts!

I saw a physio this week due to excruciating pain around my pelvis and discovered I have Symphysis Pubic Dysfunction. Basically, it equals a lot of pain lol, particularly when coupled with Sciatica. I have to wear a brace which I find helps a lot but I am a little worried about how much worse it's going to get. At times I feel like I'm going to fall over as my pelvis gives way and dressing etc is already becoming a chore. All of this at 21 weeks LOL.... I can't imagine how I will be at 30+ weeks.

I'm starting to wonder how I'll manage to get ready in time for these babes. I have so much to do and to buy and really, so little time. Their rooom is still a playroom and I'm dreading going through that ~ it's got so much in it but also, I feel bad that Kara is losing it. It will be relocated to the garage that is attached to our home but realistically, that's not going to happen before the babies arrive. I'm lucky that she understands and she is probably less worried about it than me lol ~ I just want certain things to stay as normal for her as possible... there will be enough change for her to deal with.

Speaking of my princess, she has been amazing. When the pain is at a peak, within minutes, I find a warmed wheat bag on my back or lap without asking. She's so divine ~ I'm so proud of how she's handling the whole pregnancy. She still calls Twin B Madison and now has added that her middle name will be the same as her own... we'll see about that :P

Not much else to report really. I have a very hectic 2 weeks coming up and am hoping they end with me still in one piece.

V xx

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

So Divine...19 weeks, 3 days (Scan)

First of all, thank you for your emails to stay reading! I've decided to keep the blog open and just hope the person who shouldn't be reading it, doesn't!
I had my 19 week scan yesterday and the babes are doing so well. Twin A measured spot on and Twin B 2 days ahead... everything is as it should be so far and they couldn't be doing any better.
At the moment, they both have their heads on my right side, with the bodies across my stomach, heading to the left ~ they are lying like they are in bunk beds and facing each other. Whilst this is very cute for now, I'm hoping like crazy they don't stay like this, because I realllllly would like to avoid a C-section if possible.
Have heaps of pics...
V xxx
Both Twins! Two Heads......

Twin B's Right Hand

Twin A's Left Foot

Twin B Profile

Twin A Profile

Saturday, August 7, 2010

19 weeks....The Belly

It's quite difficult taking a pic of your own belly lol but here's one anyway :) I took it last night (18 weeks, 6 days lol) ~ it's really starting to pop out A LOT.

Friday, August 6, 2010

My Three Babes...

... are keeping me afloat at the moment.

It's been a tough few weeks and the next few aren't going to be much better but when I stop and think about what I have in my world ~ Kara and these babies ~ I try to remind myself that everything will be ok... it just has to be.

Kara is an absolute doll. She is so excited about these babies and speaks to them (and 'hugs' and 'kisses' them) all of the time. It's so divine. She rubbed my belly last week and told the babies they were so lucky to be in my tummy because it means they'll be getting the best mummy in the world. How lucky am I?

I thought I was finally over the sickness until a few days ago... I got my hopes up for nothing lol. Still not as bad as it was but not great either. My back...oh my... AGONY!! It is siezing up after lying down already ~ I didn't get this with Kara until about 7 or 8 months. I was hoping I'd skip back pain this pregnancy but obviously that's not going to happen lol.

My belly feels huge ~ I need to get some updated pics. The babies move a lot ~ still mostly stretching but I'm feeling more kicks now (or little prods lol). So cute....

Not much else to say really. I have my 19 week scan on Tuesday and whilst I am looking forward to it, I also get nervous before scans. It will be interesting to see if the sonographer agrees with the 3d sonographer's opinions on gender! The second baby is still a secret btw....

So, we're over half way now, assuming I make it to 37 weeks. It's going scarily fast.

V xx