Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Not Feeling the Best

*edited to say that it's now on Tuesday, not Monday*

I feel like I should be over the moon at the moment but I'm feeling far from it.

We had a bit of a false alarm on Sunday night. I started feeling 'tightening' on Sunday afternoon and after a couple of hours, we thought it best to call the hospital to check whether or not I should go in to be checked. Given I was 35 weeks with twins and the tightenings were increasing, they asked me to go in. Luckily I was with my friend who will be with me, so off we went.

By early monday morning, the tightenings were more like contractions and it was looking like the babies were going to come that day. Forms were being signed and a c-section being discussed because when they scanned me, the presenting twin was footlong breech with the cord presenting. In a nutshell, I can't go into labour with the cord in the position it is, as it would put Twin A in danger.

By about 2:30am, the contractions stopped. I hadn't dilated and everything seemed to have settled down. I stayed until later on Monday but had to go back to hospital today.

The Ob I saw today wasn't happy about me being home with a presenting cord. She mentioned staying in hospital until my C-section on the 16th, as if I go into labour, I need to be in hospital within 5-10 mins. I wasn't at all keen on that, as I still have my girl to look after and whilst the babies are important, so is Kara. She also thought that having a c-section in 3 weeks is just too far away and she called my Ob and they agreed it needs to happen within the week.

So, on Monday, I'm going in the have the twins. I should be happy, relieved, excited, whatever. I'm just not though. I can't stop crying.

This isn't how I want it to be.... I still kept hoping the babies would move and I'm not happy about them coming at 36 weeks. It means special care, steroids and just too many unknowns.

Anyway, I can't change anything about it. I just wish it was different. I want to feel the excitement I did with Kara but it's just not there.

V x

Saturday, November 27, 2010

35 Week Pic

35 Weeks today ~ yay. Hopefully one more week so we can avoid leaving the babies in hospital when I have to go home.... we made it past my birthday lol ~ I was convinced they'd come that day :)

The photo above was taken yesterday, so at 34 weeks, 6 days. They have dropped a lot this week but neither are engaged as yet and we're still unsure as to whether Twin A or Twin B will be the presenting twin ~ they might change! I'm assuming they won't so I don't get my hopes up but avoiding a c-section would be a huge relief for me.

(edited to add a pic from today!!! 35 weeks ~ 27th Nov, 2010)


Tuesday, November 23, 2010

So Close... 34 1/2 weeks.

I've not blogged for a while because I've been sooo tired and sore and there's not a huge amount to write about.

It's not been the best of fortnights as far as the pregnancy goes. The babies are still breech and my Ob, who has been so positive and hopeful about avoiding a C-section, has now said that it's highly unlikely the babies will move. So, if they hang in there for a couple more weeks, i'll be having a C-section at around 37 weeks :(. I know delivering two healthy babies is the priority but I'm dreading it ~ it's taken a lot of excitement away from the birth for me because the thought of being cut open doesn't sit well.

At my last scan, the babies hadn't grown as much as they should have either. That's been a stress, as if they've still not grown sufficiently by my next scan (Monday), they will be delivered early. I have been eating so much junk food lol ~ I'm hoping with my all that they've fattened up.

The nursery is well under way now!!!! Just over a week ago, it was Kara's play room and it was full to the brim. Now, it has two cots, a change table and a wardrobe ~ the quilts are underway (I just need my hands to not be numb!!!) and I'm rapt that it's ready before the babies arrive. (Thanks soooooooooooooooooo much Sue and Andrew xxx).

So now, it's a waiting game. Four more days until I reach my 35 week aim, although it would be great to get to 37 weeks. Some days though, I just want them out!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

32nd week of hell.

Well, maybe I'm exaggerating with the title but it's come pretty close!

It's not been a good week ~ actually, it's been a terrifying one :(

Everything was fine (well, relatively!) up until wednesday and then the fun began!

Thursday morning, I woke up in absolute agony with my Carpal Tunnel.... that's not unusual, although this day it was even worse. After a while it calmed down a little and so I went to my last day of work. I was feeling a bit off all day but put it down to just being exhausted, as the sciatica, pelvic prob and Carpal Tunnel have resulted in very very little sleep.

Later that night, I feel quite ill and my legs and ankles were just columns of fluid. I felt hot, had a bad headache and just didn't feel 'right'. I called the hospital to check if I should go in or just wait to see my GP the following day. Given the symptoms I had, I was told to go straight in as pre-eclampsia can come on rapidly, particulary with a twin pregnancy.

I go to hospital and my BP was elevated and I was passing proteins ~ both bad signs. I, being me, began to panic and the fear set in. Even the thought of being induced at 32 weeks was enough to scare me ... I just don't want these babies out yet!!!

The following morning, my BP was back to normal, the headache gone and the sickness also gone. I was able to go home but needed to go back the following day (yesterday) to have my obs done (just in case).

Soooooo, I left the hospital and off to Kara's sports day I went! Then the fun continued....

At school, the sickness came back and I ended up going to the school's sick bay lol. Within an hour or so, I was vomiting and developed strong lower back pain and 'contractions' ~ again, there was more panic. After 20 mins or so, they seemed to have stopped but the school had already called an ambulance, so they checked me over and fortunately, my BP was ok. Sue (the best support person in the world!!!!) took me to hospital but I left after a few hours. BP was fine, although I'm still passing proteins.

I'm rambling LOL!!! Anyway, now I'm having check ups every few days which will hopefully continue for at least another three weeks. Scares like this make me realise how much I'd rather be in pain with the babies in me, rather than having them out. It's just too soon.

Three more weeks. I will be so relieved if I ge to 35 weeks after this week ~ I just don't want these babies in hospital for weeks :(

V xx

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

31 Week Growth Scan...

It's 3:15am here atm but I'm wide awake as the Carpal Tunnel set in and the only way to get rid of it, is to walk around shaking my arms like a crazy person lol. It causes so much pain ~ even as I begin to type, the pins and needles and numbing are starting to come back already... argggggh.

I just want to do a quick post re the scan I had yesterday....

Both babies are doing very well ~ Twin A has fallen back a little (compared to B) but is measuring at 4 lbs!!!! Twin B is measuring at 4 lbs, 4 ozs (about 100grams more). I'm rapt with these weights ~ I was hoping they'd be good sizes but over the moon that they are both around the 4 pound mark already :). Unfortuately, Twin B is still lying breech and unless this changes, I'm in for a C-Section which I reallllllly do not want to have. I have another scan in 2 weeks to see how they are going.

My fingers are totally numb now, so typing is too hard! Before I go though, HAPPY 8th BIRTHDAY to my adorable Princess. She amazes me every day and is going to be the best big sister! Love you baby girl xxx