Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, October 30, 2010

31 Weeks... How long to go?

Taken today, Oct 30th, 2010 : 31 weeks

It is quite frustrating not knowing when these babes are going to arrive! I feel like I have nothing to count down to ~ in my head I'm aiming for my birthday (they'll be 35 weeks) but that's just a date I've come up with lol. I will get some indication of how they are growing on Monday as I have a growth scan but even then, I'm guessing it will just be a waiting game.

I'm feeling VERY big atm and consequently, am struggling physically. I have one more week of work to go and am really looking forward to that ending now. I've been coping fine with it but have reached a point where I just want to be on my couch all day!

I have arm braces for Carpal Tunnel which is great ~ they help so much, especially at night. Apparently I have another compressed nerve which is causing pain down the other side of my arm but we are focusing on treating the CT atm. I've also been upgraded to a large brace (lol) and I'm hoping that helps with the pelvic and sciatic pain...

I'm slightly over being pregnant now. Apart from feeling the babies move, I'm just not enjoying it anymore. Of course though, I want them to stay in for at least another 5 weeks.... we shall see :)

V xx

Monday, October 25, 2010

30 Weeks :)

I'm now 3o weeks and 2 days pregnant ~ very very happy to hit the 30 week mark but still a way to go yet....
Time is slowing down now. I'm just so sore and tired most of the day and nights are the worst. I'm just struggling carrying the extra 50% of my body weight around!!

I have an appt tomorrow with an Occupational Therapist for my Carpal Tunnel Syndrome ~ it's become worse over the past few days and last night, I was in quite a lot of pain with it. I'm guessing I'll be given arm braces as I was with Kara but we'll see.

The babies are getting sooo strong!! The kicks have changed over the past week or so ~ they are just so much stronger and often surprise me! I still can't tell which baby is which but have a scan next week and that will give me an idea of where they are now. To me, it's just like I have one big lump in there lol.

I'm measuring over 40 weeks now (well I'm assuming I do as I was 39cm two weeks ago!).

V xx

Monday, October 18, 2010

29 week Pics

I just took these with my webcam so they're not fab but you get the idea!!! I can't believe how big I am getting....

V xx

Saturday, October 16, 2010

29 weeks

I cannot believe I'm at 29 weeks .... despite the sickness, pain, insomnia etc, it's gone so quickly. It's a little scary that I'll be 30 weeks next week ~ they will be here before I know it.

It's been a pretty uneventful week which is good. I'm still not sleeping much at all (it's almost 3am) and some nights, I'm finding it very difficult. If one more person tells me to get used to it, I think I'll implode. I do know that having twins will be difficult and result in little sleep BUT it doesn't help hearing that every 5 minutes. At the moment, I'm just trying to get through the pregnancy and it's very difficult when you're running on empty (and in pain). At least when they are born, I'll be mobile and all going well, pain free.

I got measured and heard my babies again today ~ I always love that. They made it difficult for my GP though! It took Susie a while to find them but I think they've changed position again .... hopefully they're not breech anymore :) I suppose I will know at my scan in two weeks... keeping everything crossed because I really really do not want a c-section.

Measurement wise, I am now 39 cm :). I've grown 2 centimetres in 9 days... hopefully that means the bubbas are still chubbas and growing nicely ~ the bigger they are the better.


Saturday, October 9, 2010

Baby Shower!

I was very lucky today to be spoilt by friends for the twins' baby shower. It was such a gorgeous day and all I managed to do was sit, drink and eat lol. We were given so many gorgeous things and it still amazes me that there are two babies inside me!!!

A special thanks to Sue and Jos for all of the effort you put in and to everybody else who helped to make the day happen xxx

PS I didn't take many pics because that involves standing up lol but I had to share my 'grown up' princess and just liked the flowers Sue had!!!

Friday, October 8, 2010

28 Weeks Tomorrow :)

I'm so exhausted and should be on my way to work but I'm not sure I'll make it today. I'll regret it next week when I have to make up the time but oh well lol.
Instead, I thought I'd take a webcam pic of my 28 weeks (almost) belly. Im sure it grew overnight.... it's getting crazy now.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Twin's 4D Scan......27 weeks, 5 days

Wow. I had a 4D scan today.... a very spontaneous decision lol. I've wanted to have one for a few weeks but just felt guilty about the money but yesterday, I felt like I'd regret it if I didn't do it.... chances are I'll never be pregnant again and it's very unlikely I'll have twins even if I am!!!

So, Twin A cooperated very well.... we were able to see "it" quite clearly although Twin B didn't play along as well lol. Twin B had their arm/hand covering their face most of the time, so the sonographer needed to try all different angles, making some of the pics look quite scary pmsl. Finally we got something without an arm and there's also a short video of Twin B.......

Now that I'm at home and sitting here going through the pics, it's quite surreal. They actually look like babies now.... 2 little people inside me. I know that sounds stupid but I don't think I'll fully believe it until they are both in my arms.

PS Thanks (AGAIN) Sue for sharing today.... there will never be enough thank yous for all you do x

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Perfect Bubbas....

Twin B (above), Twin A (below) ~ 27 weeks, 4 days :2 pounds, 6 ounces

.....make for a very relieved Mum.

I just got back from my scan and the babies, in the sonographer's words, are perfect and identical in size. He said they are measuring exactly as they should be (on par with single babies) and both are above average. They are now 1.1 kg (2 pounds, 6 ounces) each and I am measuring at 37 weeks lmao.

Position wise, I'm not so happy but there is apparently heaps more time for them to move. At the moment, Twin B is lying breech and Twin A is head down but B's body is in the way lol. They are pretty much in a circle (head to toe) and during the scan, kept kicking each other in the head.

V xxxx

Sunday, October 3, 2010

The Munchkins are Testing Me

I am thinking the unfortunate win to Collingwood yesterday has made the babies (and their mummy) feel very unsettled :P

I had to have another hospital visit today ~ more as a precaution ~ but every one stresses me out :(

This time, it was due to a stabbing pain in my upper back and chest. It started last night and was still there this morning and together with breathlessness and feeling dizzy, it didn't make me feel all that great.

Thankfully, we think, the babies are fine but the ultrasound on wednesday will confirm that ~ my fundal height hasn't changed in almost 4 weeks which worries me but I'm hoping it's due to variation in measurements. My Ob will measure on wednesday and she's done them all so far (apart from today), so I'll feel better knowing what she gets.

I'm finding this pregnancy is getting harder by the day... my body is just finding it difficult to adapt to two munchkins I think. Despite resting etc, it still just wants to do nothing lol.


Friday, October 1, 2010



I had my glucose tolerance test earlier this week and as far as I know, that part went fine (no news is good news I figure). Unfortunately though, my haemoglobin is just getting lower and lower, despite me taking doube the supplements, heaps of vitamin C to increase it's absorption and heaps of meat too. As a result, I'm still feeling very dizzy some days and it makes doing anything really difficult.

So now, I have to go back tomorrow for further blood tests and I'm not impressed. I despise needles ~ I almost pass out just having one lol ~ and now I'm worried I'll have to have regular iron shots :(

As far as I know, the babies are still going well.... I'm 27 weeks tomorrow and have a scan on wednesday to check their growth. I'm reallllllly wanting that to hurry up and happen because I've not had a scan for 8 weeks and it will be nice to see them and make sure all is good.

October 1st, 2010 (26 weeks, 6 days)

V x