Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Glucose Tolerance Test....


Miss K and I made our way to hopsital this morning (well, yesterday morning now, as it's 1.30am here ~ sleep is still foreign to me lol) for the GTC...

I remember having the test with Kara and so I wasn't looking forward to it. Back then, it made me feel so sick and dizzy and so I was anticipating the same this time. I was right!

The drink itself isn't too bad ~ it's just very very sweet and you have to drink it in a short space of time. For the first 20 mins or so, I wasn't too bad but then it hit me. I felt sick and like I was going to pass out and they took me in to lay down just in case. It was a good thing they did lol ~ I started seeing flashing lights which was bizarre and she said she's glad I was on the bed, otherwise I would have ended up on the floor :D.

Now the wait to see the results. I'm fairly confident I don't have gestational diabetes but I suppose I'll know for sure soon enough....

Apart from that, it's been a pretty uneventful week. I had an appointment with the Multiple Births Coordinator last week which was fantastic :) It was a great opportunity to ask a lot of questions ~ mostly about delivery ~ and I was also taken to see the high dependancy and ICU wards for premmies. That was scary ~ very difficult to see such tiny tiny babies struggling to survive and since the visit, every pain I feel reminds me of how fragile those little lives were. At the end of the day, I would much rather feel the way I do for 10 more weeks to avoid having my babies go through what would be such difficult times.

26 weeks and 3 days now ~ almost to 28 now and only 8 and a half until I'm at 35 (my ideal min gestation)..... it's really not that long to go and yet, I have so much to do!!!

Friday, September 17, 2010

25 Weeks! (tomorrow :P)

(17th September, 2010: 24 weeks, 6 days)

Excuse the jammies :P I just took this with my computer.... much easier than balancing my DSLR on a tupperware container to get the right height.....

My stomach is growing so quickly at the moment... it's difficult to capture but I'm really feeling the extra weight now. My back is constantly sore and sleep is not happening... I'm so tired. All in all though, I'm still enjoying the pregnancy ~ the movements and knowledge that there are two babies in there keeps me going.

It's been an awful week..... We had another scare on Friday with me fainting/feeling dizzy. I went to a GP and was shipped off to hospital for tests. I was terrified and spent the day there but fortunately, both babies are fine and that's the main thing. I just have to take it really easy. Kara has also been quite ill ~ poor baby. She's been home all week from school with a high fever, headaches, a cough and just generally feeling awful. She's just so gorgeous ~ she went to her dad's tonight which I can't stand when she's ill ~ I just want her to be home.

So, apart from feeling absolutely huge and the back and pelvic pain continuing, things are going well. I have a scan in 2 weeks and can't wait to see how the babies are growing ~ I will start having them regularly then which suits me fine!!

So, if I follow averages, I only have 10 weeks to go. That sounds so soon and I am soooooo not ready. There is a lot to be done around our home and the motivation and energy to do it is lacking.

V xxx

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The Show Drama!

(23 weeks, 4 days : taken 8th Sept, 2010)

I wasn't going to blog about it lol but I figure I'll forget about it one day and it's all part of the pregnancy :)

I took Miss K to the Royal Show today ~ that's a strain at the best of times (sooooo many people) but when you're pregnant it adds a whole new dimension to difficult.

We arrived and within about 5 minutes, I just didn't feel right. I sat down for a while (poor Kara was probably thinking ALREADY?!!) and set off again. Within about a minute, I just felt this overwhelming sense of overheating. It was awful. I saw a bench full of people and knew I had to get to it or I was going to pass out ~ I didn't make it. Picture a 23 week pregnant woman sprawled on concrete with people everywhere. Nice. Not.

Fortunately, the people around were so lovely but oh my, it was a scare. You automatically worry something is about to happen to the babies but fortunately they are fine. Poor was a scare for her too but she's such a sensible (gorgeous girl). Once she realised I was ok, she was more worried that we were going to have to leave I think :)

Apart from that, everything else is going well. The pelvic pain is still bad but mostly at night or afer walking and my back is the same... worse at night. I start having fortnightly scans in 2 weeks to monitor growth, but at the moment, I think both babes are growing more than enough .... I feel HUGE!!!!!!