Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

So Divine...19 weeks, 3 days (Scan)

First of all, thank you for your emails to stay reading! I've decided to keep the blog open and just hope the person who shouldn't be reading it, doesn't!
I had my 19 week scan yesterday and the babes are doing so well. Twin A measured spot on and Twin B 2 days ahead... everything is as it should be so far and they couldn't be doing any better.
At the moment, they both have their heads on my right side, with the bodies across my stomach, heading to the left ~ they are lying like they are in bunk beds and facing each other. Whilst this is very cute for now, I'm hoping like crazy they don't stay like this, because I realllllly would like to avoid a C-section if possible.
Have heaps of pics...
V xxx
Both Twins! Two Heads......

Twin B's Right Hand

Twin A's Left Foot

Twin B Profile

Twin A Profile


  1. Oh they are beautiful!! I hope they move from their comfy positions so you don't have to have a c-section!! Can't believe you're half way already!!

    L. Tan xoxo

  2. Those pics are just amazing. Beautiful.
