Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, December 13, 2010

My Three Princesses

I'm not sure where to start!!!! I suppose by saying that I am already totally in love with the girls ~ all three of them now :)

As planned, Madison Ada ~ named by her big sister and her middle name after my Nanna ~ and Imogen Susan ~ Susan after a very very special friend ~ were born via C-section on Tuesday December 7th, 2010. I'm not going to go into the whole C-section experience, except to say it was worse than I anticipated (and I anticipated it to be awful). I know my girls are here and arrived safely, but it still upsets me to think about that day.

Madison was born at 8:45am and weighed 5lb, 9oz. She was 46.5cm long with a head circumference of 32cm.... so tiny compared to Kara! Initially, they were a little concerned about her lungs ~ they weren't sure if she had 'wet' lungs which would pass in a few hours or premmie lungs... fortunately it was the former. She has HEAPS of black hair and very very dark eyes. She's won my heart ~ such a content and placid little girl (except for at nights when her and her sister love to scream). She is already back to her birth weight too ~ very unusual for a premmie baby :)

Imogen was born one minute later ~ at 8:46am. She weighed 5lb, 15oz, was 48cm long and also had a head circumference of 32cm. Even though their weights were only 160grams apart, she looks so much bigger than Madison. She is very much like Kara was as a baby and also looks like her big cousin, Ricky. She has dark brown hair and is the most gorgeous little girl during the day. At about midnight though, she grows horns and keeps us up until about 5am. I'm hoping this phase passes, as I'm too sore to make room in the shed atm :P. Imogen is also very close to her birth weight ~ they are getting weighed tomorrow so I will know then!

Both babies are just gorgeous and I can't wait until their big sister is home to share these early days with us. She's going to fall in love with them just as I have.

I've felt so lucky this week. So many messages full of love and support and just the feeling of absolute disbelief when I look at the babies and try to piece together that they are mine. That they grew inside of me ~ at the same time. It's so difficult to comprehend, especially when they look SO different!

One more thing ~ this whole journey would have been very different if it wasn't for my 'support' person. Sue, thank you for allowing me to share so many of my feelings over the pregnancy and both before and after. There were times when everything just felt too much and to have somebody listen and put it into perspective made a huge difference. I hope Imogen shares more than just your name and has some of your qualities too. Thank you xx

Sunday, December 5, 2010

48 Hours to Go's all becoming a bit too real now. I'm still hoping that when I go in on Tuesday morning that they scan me and Twin A has moved but I know it's highly unlikely :( There has been lots of movement though, so you never know I suppose. If the baby has moved, I'm not sure what will happen ~ I keep wishing I asked that on Friday. If it's head down, I would want to be induced before it moved again ~ I can't explain how much I hope it's moved.

Here is a pic from today ~ 36 weeks and 1 day. It's blurred because I took it in front of a mirror that needs cleaning lol.

Thanks to everyone who has sent lovely messages and left comments on here over the past 8 months.... it's a little odd to think the next time I post will be a birth announcement.

V xx

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Not Feeling the Best

*edited to say that it's now on Tuesday, not Monday*

I feel like I should be over the moon at the moment but I'm feeling far from it.

We had a bit of a false alarm on Sunday night. I started feeling 'tightening' on Sunday afternoon and after a couple of hours, we thought it best to call the hospital to check whether or not I should go in to be checked. Given I was 35 weeks with twins and the tightenings were increasing, they asked me to go in. Luckily I was with my friend who will be with me, so off we went.

By early monday morning, the tightenings were more like contractions and it was looking like the babies were going to come that day. Forms were being signed and a c-section being discussed because when they scanned me, the presenting twin was footlong breech with the cord presenting. In a nutshell, I can't go into labour with the cord in the position it is, as it would put Twin A in danger.

By about 2:30am, the contractions stopped. I hadn't dilated and everything seemed to have settled down. I stayed until later on Monday but had to go back to hospital today.

The Ob I saw today wasn't happy about me being home with a presenting cord. She mentioned staying in hospital until my C-section on the 16th, as if I go into labour, I need to be in hospital within 5-10 mins. I wasn't at all keen on that, as I still have my girl to look after and whilst the babies are important, so is Kara. She also thought that having a c-section in 3 weeks is just too far away and she called my Ob and they agreed it needs to happen within the week.

So, on Monday, I'm going in the have the twins. I should be happy, relieved, excited, whatever. I'm just not though. I can't stop crying.

This isn't how I want it to be.... I still kept hoping the babies would move and I'm not happy about them coming at 36 weeks. It means special care, steroids and just too many unknowns.

Anyway, I can't change anything about it. I just wish it was different. I want to feel the excitement I did with Kara but it's just not there.

V x

Saturday, November 27, 2010

35 Week Pic

35 Weeks today ~ yay. Hopefully one more week so we can avoid leaving the babies in hospital when I have to go home.... we made it past my birthday lol ~ I was convinced they'd come that day :)

The photo above was taken yesterday, so at 34 weeks, 6 days. They have dropped a lot this week but neither are engaged as yet and we're still unsure as to whether Twin A or Twin B will be the presenting twin ~ they might change! I'm assuming they won't so I don't get my hopes up but avoiding a c-section would be a huge relief for me.

(edited to add a pic from today!!! 35 weeks ~ 27th Nov, 2010)


Tuesday, November 23, 2010

So Close... 34 1/2 weeks.

I've not blogged for a while because I've been sooo tired and sore and there's not a huge amount to write about.

It's not been the best of fortnights as far as the pregnancy goes. The babies are still breech and my Ob, who has been so positive and hopeful about avoiding a C-section, has now said that it's highly unlikely the babies will move. So, if they hang in there for a couple more weeks, i'll be having a C-section at around 37 weeks :(. I know delivering two healthy babies is the priority but I'm dreading it ~ it's taken a lot of excitement away from the birth for me because the thought of being cut open doesn't sit well.

At my last scan, the babies hadn't grown as much as they should have either. That's been a stress, as if they've still not grown sufficiently by my next scan (Monday), they will be delivered early. I have been eating so much junk food lol ~ I'm hoping with my all that they've fattened up.

The nursery is well under way now!!!! Just over a week ago, it was Kara's play room and it was full to the brim. Now, it has two cots, a change table and a wardrobe ~ the quilts are underway (I just need my hands to not be numb!!!) and I'm rapt that it's ready before the babies arrive. (Thanks soooooooooooooooooo much Sue and Andrew xxx).

So now, it's a waiting game. Four more days until I reach my 35 week aim, although it would be great to get to 37 weeks. Some days though, I just want them out!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

32nd week of hell.

Well, maybe I'm exaggerating with the title but it's come pretty close!

It's not been a good week ~ actually, it's been a terrifying one :(

Everything was fine (well, relatively!) up until wednesday and then the fun began!

Thursday morning, I woke up in absolute agony with my Carpal Tunnel.... that's not unusual, although this day it was even worse. After a while it calmed down a little and so I went to my last day of work. I was feeling a bit off all day but put it down to just being exhausted, as the sciatica, pelvic prob and Carpal Tunnel have resulted in very very little sleep.

Later that night, I feel quite ill and my legs and ankles were just columns of fluid. I felt hot, had a bad headache and just didn't feel 'right'. I called the hospital to check if I should go in or just wait to see my GP the following day. Given the symptoms I had, I was told to go straight in as pre-eclampsia can come on rapidly, particulary with a twin pregnancy.

I go to hospital and my BP was elevated and I was passing proteins ~ both bad signs. I, being me, began to panic and the fear set in. Even the thought of being induced at 32 weeks was enough to scare me ... I just don't want these babies out yet!!!

The following morning, my BP was back to normal, the headache gone and the sickness also gone. I was able to go home but needed to go back the following day (yesterday) to have my obs done (just in case).

Soooooo, I left the hospital and off to Kara's sports day I went! Then the fun continued....

At school, the sickness came back and I ended up going to the school's sick bay lol. Within an hour or so, I was vomiting and developed strong lower back pain and 'contractions' ~ again, there was more panic. After 20 mins or so, they seemed to have stopped but the school had already called an ambulance, so they checked me over and fortunately, my BP was ok. Sue (the best support person in the world!!!!) took me to hospital but I left after a few hours. BP was fine, although I'm still passing proteins.

I'm rambling LOL!!! Anyway, now I'm having check ups every few days which will hopefully continue for at least another three weeks. Scares like this make me realise how much I'd rather be in pain with the babies in me, rather than having them out. It's just too soon.

Three more weeks. I will be so relieved if I ge to 35 weeks after this week ~ I just don't want these babies in hospital for weeks :(

V xx

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

31 Week Growth Scan...

It's 3:15am here atm but I'm wide awake as the Carpal Tunnel set in and the only way to get rid of it, is to walk around shaking my arms like a crazy person lol. It causes so much pain ~ even as I begin to type, the pins and needles and numbing are starting to come back already... argggggh.

I just want to do a quick post re the scan I had yesterday....

Both babies are doing very well ~ Twin A has fallen back a little (compared to B) but is measuring at 4 lbs!!!! Twin B is measuring at 4 lbs, 4 ozs (about 100grams more). I'm rapt with these weights ~ I was hoping they'd be good sizes but over the moon that they are both around the 4 pound mark already :). Unfortuately, Twin B is still lying breech and unless this changes, I'm in for a C-Section which I reallllllly do not want to have. I have another scan in 2 weeks to see how they are going.

My fingers are totally numb now, so typing is too hard! Before I go though, HAPPY 8th BIRTHDAY to my adorable Princess. She amazes me every day and is going to be the best big sister! Love you baby girl xxx

Saturday, October 30, 2010

31 Weeks... How long to go?

Taken today, Oct 30th, 2010 : 31 weeks

It is quite frustrating not knowing when these babes are going to arrive! I feel like I have nothing to count down to ~ in my head I'm aiming for my birthday (they'll be 35 weeks) but that's just a date I've come up with lol. I will get some indication of how they are growing on Monday as I have a growth scan but even then, I'm guessing it will just be a waiting game.

I'm feeling VERY big atm and consequently, am struggling physically. I have one more week of work to go and am really looking forward to that ending now. I've been coping fine with it but have reached a point where I just want to be on my couch all day!

I have arm braces for Carpal Tunnel which is great ~ they help so much, especially at night. Apparently I have another compressed nerve which is causing pain down the other side of my arm but we are focusing on treating the CT atm. I've also been upgraded to a large brace (lol) and I'm hoping that helps with the pelvic and sciatic pain...

I'm slightly over being pregnant now. Apart from feeling the babies move, I'm just not enjoying it anymore. Of course though, I want them to stay in for at least another 5 weeks.... we shall see :)

V xx

Monday, October 25, 2010

30 Weeks :)

I'm now 3o weeks and 2 days pregnant ~ very very happy to hit the 30 week mark but still a way to go yet....
Time is slowing down now. I'm just so sore and tired most of the day and nights are the worst. I'm just struggling carrying the extra 50% of my body weight around!!

I have an appt tomorrow with an Occupational Therapist for my Carpal Tunnel Syndrome ~ it's become worse over the past few days and last night, I was in quite a lot of pain with it. I'm guessing I'll be given arm braces as I was with Kara but we'll see.

The babies are getting sooo strong!! The kicks have changed over the past week or so ~ they are just so much stronger and often surprise me! I still can't tell which baby is which but have a scan next week and that will give me an idea of where they are now. To me, it's just like I have one big lump in there lol.

I'm measuring over 40 weeks now (well I'm assuming I do as I was 39cm two weeks ago!).

V xx

Monday, October 18, 2010

29 week Pics

I just took these with my webcam so they're not fab but you get the idea!!! I can't believe how big I am getting....

V xx

Saturday, October 16, 2010

29 weeks

I cannot believe I'm at 29 weeks .... despite the sickness, pain, insomnia etc, it's gone so quickly. It's a little scary that I'll be 30 weeks next week ~ they will be here before I know it.

It's been a pretty uneventful week which is good. I'm still not sleeping much at all (it's almost 3am) and some nights, I'm finding it very difficult. If one more person tells me to get used to it, I think I'll implode. I do know that having twins will be difficult and result in little sleep BUT it doesn't help hearing that every 5 minutes. At the moment, I'm just trying to get through the pregnancy and it's very difficult when you're running on empty (and in pain). At least when they are born, I'll be mobile and all going well, pain free.

I got measured and heard my babies again today ~ I always love that. They made it difficult for my GP though! It took Susie a while to find them but I think they've changed position again .... hopefully they're not breech anymore :) I suppose I will know at my scan in two weeks... keeping everything crossed because I really really do not want a c-section.

Measurement wise, I am now 39 cm :). I've grown 2 centimetres in 9 days... hopefully that means the bubbas are still chubbas and growing nicely ~ the bigger they are the better.


Saturday, October 9, 2010

Baby Shower!

I was very lucky today to be spoilt by friends for the twins' baby shower. It was such a gorgeous day and all I managed to do was sit, drink and eat lol. We were given so many gorgeous things and it still amazes me that there are two babies inside me!!!

A special thanks to Sue and Jos for all of the effort you put in and to everybody else who helped to make the day happen xxx

PS I didn't take many pics because that involves standing up lol but I had to share my 'grown up' princess and just liked the flowers Sue had!!!

Friday, October 8, 2010

28 Weeks Tomorrow :)

I'm so exhausted and should be on my way to work but I'm not sure I'll make it today. I'll regret it next week when I have to make up the time but oh well lol.
Instead, I thought I'd take a webcam pic of my 28 weeks (almost) belly. Im sure it grew overnight.... it's getting crazy now.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Twin's 4D Scan......27 weeks, 5 days

Wow. I had a 4D scan today.... a very spontaneous decision lol. I've wanted to have one for a few weeks but just felt guilty about the money but yesterday, I felt like I'd regret it if I didn't do it.... chances are I'll never be pregnant again and it's very unlikely I'll have twins even if I am!!!

So, Twin A cooperated very well.... we were able to see "it" quite clearly although Twin B didn't play along as well lol. Twin B had their arm/hand covering their face most of the time, so the sonographer needed to try all different angles, making some of the pics look quite scary pmsl. Finally we got something without an arm and there's also a short video of Twin B.......

Now that I'm at home and sitting here going through the pics, it's quite surreal. They actually look like babies now.... 2 little people inside me. I know that sounds stupid but I don't think I'll fully believe it until they are both in my arms.

PS Thanks (AGAIN) Sue for sharing today.... there will never be enough thank yous for all you do x

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Perfect Bubbas....

Twin B (above), Twin A (below) ~ 27 weeks, 4 days :2 pounds, 6 ounces

.....make for a very relieved Mum.

I just got back from my scan and the babies, in the sonographer's words, are perfect and identical in size. He said they are measuring exactly as they should be (on par with single babies) and both are above average. They are now 1.1 kg (2 pounds, 6 ounces) each and I am measuring at 37 weeks lmao.

Position wise, I'm not so happy but there is apparently heaps more time for them to move. At the moment, Twin B is lying breech and Twin A is head down but B's body is in the way lol. They are pretty much in a circle (head to toe) and during the scan, kept kicking each other in the head.

V xxxx

Sunday, October 3, 2010

The Munchkins are Testing Me

I am thinking the unfortunate win to Collingwood yesterday has made the babies (and their mummy) feel very unsettled :P

I had to have another hospital visit today ~ more as a precaution ~ but every one stresses me out :(

This time, it was due to a stabbing pain in my upper back and chest. It started last night and was still there this morning and together with breathlessness and feeling dizzy, it didn't make me feel all that great.

Thankfully, we think, the babies are fine but the ultrasound on wednesday will confirm that ~ my fundal height hasn't changed in almost 4 weeks which worries me but I'm hoping it's due to variation in measurements. My Ob will measure on wednesday and she's done them all so far (apart from today), so I'll feel better knowing what she gets.

I'm finding this pregnancy is getting harder by the day... my body is just finding it difficult to adapt to two munchkins I think. Despite resting etc, it still just wants to do nothing lol.


Friday, October 1, 2010



I had my glucose tolerance test earlier this week and as far as I know, that part went fine (no news is good news I figure). Unfortunately though, my haemoglobin is just getting lower and lower, despite me taking doube the supplements, heaps of vitamin C to increase it's absorption and heaps of meat too. As a result, I'm still feeling very dizzy some days and it makes doing anything really difficult.

So now, I have to go back tomorrow for further blood tests and I'm not impressed. I despise needles ~ I almost pass out just having one lol ~ and now I'm worried I'll have to have regular iron shots :(

As far as I know, the babies are still going well.... I'm 27 weeks tomorrow and have a scan on wednesday to check their growth. I'm reallllllly wanting that to hurry up and happen because I've not had a scan for 8 weeks and it will be nice to see them and make sure all is good.

October 1st, 2010 (26 weeks, 6 days)

V x

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Glucose Tolerance Test....


Miss K and I made our way to hopsital this morning (well, yesterday morning now, as it's 1.30am here ~ sleep is still foreign to me lol) for the GTC...

I remember having the test with Kara and so I wasn't looking forward to it. Back then, it made me feel so sick and dizzy and so I was anticipating the same this time. I was right!

The drink itself isn't too bad ~ it's just very very sweet and you have to drink it in a short space of time. For the first 20 mins or so, I wasn't too bad but then it hit me. I felt sick and like I was going to pass out and they took me in to lay down just in case. It was a good thing they did lol ~ I started seeing flashing lights which was bizarre and she said she's glad I was on the bed, otherwise I would have ended up on the floor :D.

Now the wait to see the results. I'm fairly confident I don't have gestational diabetes but I suppose I'll know for sure soon enough....

Apart from that, it's been a pretty uneventful week. I had an appointment with the Multiple Births Coordinator last week which was fantastic :) It was a great opportunity to ask a lot of questions ~ mostly about delivery ~ and I was also taken to see the high dependancy and ICU wards for premmies. That was scary ~ very difficult to see such tiny tiny babies struggling to survive and since the visit, every pain I feel reminds me of how fragile those little lives were. At the end of the day, I would much rather feel the way I do for 10 more weeks to avoid having my babies go through what would be such difficult times.

26 weeks and 3 days now ~ almost to 28 now and only 8 and a half until I'm at 35 (my ideal min gestation)..... it's really not that long to go and yet, I have so much to do!!!

Friday, September 17, 2010

25 Weeks! (tomorrow :P)

(17th September, 2010: 24 weeks, 6 days)

Excuse the jammies :P I just took this with my computer.... much easier than balancing my DSLR on a tupperware container to get the right height.....

My stomach is growing so quickly at the moment... it's difficult to capture but I'm really feeling the extra weight now. My back is constantly sore and sleep is not happening... I'm so tired. All in all though, I'm still enjoying the pregnancy ~ the movements and knowledge that there are two babies in there keeps me going.

It's been an awful week..... We had another scare on Friday with me fainting/feeling dizzy. I went to a GP and was shipped off to hospital for tests. I was terrified and spent the day there but fortunately, both babies are fine and that's the main thing. I just have to take it really easy. Kara has also been quite ill ~ poor baby. She's been home all week from school with a high fever, headaches, a cough and just generally feeling awful. She's just so gorgeous ~ she went to her dad's tonight which I can't stand when she's ill ~ I just want her to be home.

So, apart from feeling absolutely huge and the back and pelvic pain continuing, things are going well. I have a scan in 2 weeks and can't wait to see how the babies are growing ~ I will start having them regularly then which suits me fine!!

So, if I follow averages, I only have 10 weeks to go. That sounds so soon and I am soooooo not ready. There is a lot to be done around our home and the motivation and energy to do it is lacking.

V xxx

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The Show Drama!

(23 weeks, 4 days : taken 8th Sept, 2010)

I wasn't going to blog about it lol but I figure I'll forget about it one day and it's all part of the pregnancy :)

I took Miss K to the Royal Show today ~ that's a strain at the best of times (sooooo many people) but when you're pregnant it adds a whole new dimension to difficult.

We arrived and within about 5 minutes, I just didn't feel right. I sat down for a while (poor Kara was probably thinking ALREADY?!!) and set off again. Within about a minute, I just felt this overwhelming sense of overheating. It was awful. I saw a bench full of people and knew I had to get to it or I was going to pass out ~ I didn't make it. Picture a 23 week pregnant woman sprawled on concrete with people everywhere. Nice. Not.

Fortunately, the people around were so lovely but oh my, it was a scare. You automatically worry something is about to happen to the babies but fortunately they are fine. Poor was a scare for her too but she's such a sensible (gorgeous girl). Once she realised I was ok, she was more worried that we were going to have to leave I think :)

Apart from that, everything else is going well. The pelvic pain is still bad but mostly at night or afer walking and my back is the same... worse at night. I start having fortnightly scans in 2 weeks to monitor growth, but at the moment, I think both babes are growing more than enough .... I feel HUGE!!!!!!

Friday, August 27, 2010


Oh dear. I just measured my waist and it has hit 100cm. When I was pregnant with Kara, I remember measuring it at 30 something weeks and it was 107cm... it is growing sooo fast.

The movement at the moment is amazing. You can see my stomach squirming from the outside now ~ I love it because it tells me the munchkins are getting stronger and stronger.

I can't help thinking that in 2 weeks, they have a 40% chance of survival. Not that I want them in 2 weeks... but it is on my mind.

I can't believe I'm 22 weeks tomorrow... I keep looking at the ticker at the top of my blog and she seems to be walking along a little too fast!

V xx

Saturday, August 21, 2010

21 Weeks....

Now measuring around 28 weeks.... the babies have moved up heaps since the last pic ~ there's not much more room for them to go up, so it's all out from here on lol.

Wow. I cannot believe how fast this pregnancy is going. Each week is flying by and I'm growing by the day.

The babies move so much now. I'm feeling a lot more kicking over the past few days ~ they're getting stronger. I find myself watching my belly as it moves and contorts ~ it's just so different with twins. Kara moved A LOT but I always knew which part of her was where. This time, I have no idea. I move in 3-4 places at once sometimes and can't for the life of me work out if it's arms, legs, heads or butts!

I saw a physio this week due to excruciating pain around my pelvis and discovered I have Symphysis Pubic Dysfunction. Basically, it equals a lot of pain lol, particularly when coupled with Sciatica. I have to wear a brace which I find helps a lot but I am a little worried about how much worse it's going to get. At times I feel like I'm going to fall over as my pelvis gives way and dressing etc is already becoming a chore. All of this at 21 weeks LOL.... I can't imagine how I will be at 30+ weeks.

I'm starting to wonder how I'll manage to get ready in time for these babes. I have so much to do and to buy and really, so little time. Their rooom is still a playroom and I'm dreading going through that ~ it's got so much in it but also, I feel bad that Kara is losing it. It will be relocated to the garage that is attached to our home but realistically, that's not going to happen before the babies arrive. I'm lucky that she understands and she is probably less worried about it than me lol ~ I just want certain things to stay as normal for her as possible... there will be enough change for her to deal with.

Speaking of my princess, she has been amazing. When the pain is at a peak, within minutes, I find a warmed wheat bag on my back or lap without asking. She's so divine ~ I'm so proud of how she's handling the whole pregnancy. She still calls Twin B Madison and now has added that her middle name will be the same as her own... we'll see about that :P

Not much else to report really. I have a very hectic 2 weeks coming up and am hoping they end with me still in one piece.

V xx

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

So Divine...19 weeks, 3 days (Scan)

First of all, thank you for your emails to stay reading! I've decided to keep the blog open and just hope the person who shouldn't be reading it, doesn't!
I had my 19 week scan yesterday and the babes are doing so well. Twin A measured spot on and Twin B 2 days ahead... everything is as it should be so far and they couldn't be doing any better.
At the moment, they both have their heads on my right side, with the bodies across my stomach, heading to the left ~ they are lying like they are in bunk beds and facing each other. Whilst this is very cute for now, I'm hoping like crazy they don't stay like this, because I realllllly would like to avoid a C-section if possible.
Have heaps of pics...
V xxx
Both Twins! Two Heads......

Twin B's Right Hand

Twin A's Left Foot

Twin B Profile

Twin A Profile

Saturday, August 7, 2010

19 weeks....The Belly

It's quite difficult taking a pic of your own belly lol but here's one anyway :) I took it last night (18 weeks, 6 days lol) ~ it's really starting to pop out A LOT.

Friday, August 6, 2010

My Three Babes...

... are keeping me afloat at the moment.

It's been a tough few weeks and the next few aren't going to be much better but when I stop and think about what I have in my world ~ Kara and these babies ~ I try to remind myself that everything will be ok... it just has to be.

Kara is an absolute doll. She is so excited about these babies and speaks to them (and 'hugs' and 'kisses' them) all of the time. It's so divine. She rubbed my belly last week and told the babies they were so lucky to be in my tummy because it means they'll be getting the best mummy in the world. How lucky am I?

I thought I was finally over the sickness until a few days ago... I got my hopes up for nothing lol. Still not as bad as it was but not great either. My back...oh my... AGONY!! It is siezing up after lying down already ~ I didn't get this with Kara until about 7 or 8 months. I was hoping I'd skip back pain this pregnancy but obviously that's not going to happen lol.

My belly feels huge ~ I need to get some updated pics. The babies move a lot ~ still mostly stretching but I'm feeling more kicks now (or little prods lol). So cute....

Not much else to say really. I have my 19 week scan on Tuesday and whilst I am looking forward to it, I also get nervous before scans. It will be interesting to see if the sonographer agrees with the 3d sonographer's opinions on gender! The second baby is still a secret btw....

So, we're over half way now, assuming I make it to 37 weeks. It's going scarily fast.

V xx

Saturday, July 24, 2010

I Know What You Are...(17 weeks)

....and Kara is VERY happy that she has a sister!!!!

I wasn't going to tell Kara (or anybody else) the gender of our babies but she desperately wanted to know if there was a girl, so I decided to tell her if there was one.... whether there was one or two, she would only be told one and the other is a surprise! If there were two boys, I would have been in trouble lmao.

We had our 4D scan on wednesday and whilst it was not a medical scan at all, the twins looked great. Moving HEAPS and already looking cute (in an odd way :P). One of the babies likes to stick its butt in the other's face lol and you can see this in pic 1...
Kara has now named the babies Ab and Bab, as they have always been labelled A and B LOL but since finding out that there is a girl in there, she has decided to call her Madison. She thinks if she continues to do it, that it will have to be her name when she is born.... she hates the name I love lol.

Not much else to report really. I still have morning sickness and vomit a lot at night but the medication helps most days. I feel HUGE and am not liking the weight that's starting to creep onto my butt and legs but I suppose I'll have to deal with that lol. I can't believe I'm already 17 weeks pregnant ~ it's going scarily fast and I have SO much to do (while I can still move) and to buy. The clothes shopping has begun :P but I am trying not to go too crazy. It's very difficult though lol.


Monday, July 19, 2010

16 Weeks!!!!

(15 weeks, 5 days: taken by Miss K at Australia Zoo)
I'm feeling very very happy about reaching 16 weeks :). My doctor told me right from the beginning that once you hit 16 weeks, you pass the danger period.... obviously it's still early in the pregnancy and anything can happen, but the risks are significantly lower now.

My princess and I just arrived home from Queensland and to say we had a ball is an understatement. It was an amazing week ~ just being able to have each other's company was enough for us both but to escape Adelaide's awful winter for a week and replace it with warm sunny days.... that was a bonus!

Now for the twins.... they move sooo much now! I just love it ~ it's a reminder that they are both strong and 'ok'. The morning sickness is still around ~ vomiting at night is routine now and if I forget my tablet, I vomit all day lol. I have a bad feeling it's going to be with me until the twins are out ~ I hope I'm wrong.

We are having a 4D scan on Wednesday night (two days away!!). I always get nervous before scans but this one is purely for us to see them ~ not for a medical purpose. I'm hoping their legs aren't crossed so I know if they're shes or hes but only time will tell.

V xxx

Thursday, July 8, 2010

14 Week Shot!

Thanks Tanya T soooo much for taking a couple of shots for me~ it's so difficult to get a decent pic with the timer lol.

This was taken on July 6th (14 weeks 3 days)....when I measured it today, my stomach has grown from 23 inches to 35 inches... it's growing sooooo fast.
Pregnancy shots with Kara!

Your Big Sister

I'm guessing that one day, we'll look back on this blog when the babies are older. I will want them to know how lucky they are to have Kara in their world.
My Princess is just so excited at the idea of being a big sister. Since the day I told her I was pregnant, she has showed nothing but joy and excitement. When it was confirmed that I was pregnant with twins, the first thing Kara said was "I told you". And she did. She told me for about 5 years that I would one day have twins.... two girls she said. That part is yet to be seen lol.

So Twin A and Twin B, you're very very lucky. Kara is so looking forward to meeting you both and I am looking forward to see her in her new role.
PS my belly is HUGE. Will post some pics as soon as I get them!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Sooo Much Movement...

...and whilst I'm finding it a little freaky this early on in the pregnancy, I'm also loving it. The second twin is now being felt (as of a couple of days ago) but the twin on my left does not stop moving. Until today, it's not been kicking ~ more like rolling around and pressing out. Today though, out of nowhere, I got a kick and I wasn't expecting it. It's really nice to know they are both strong so early on and moving around.

The sickness is still with me but whilst on the drug, it's no where near like it was. I tend to only vomit at night now and start feeling off from about 7pm. I must say I'm looking forward to that stopping ~ it's awful.

Pregnancy insomnia has really set it. I'm trying my hardest to stay up late tonight to see if that helps. Most nights I've been going to bed when Kara does and fall asleep by 9 but then I'm up again by 11 and that's it... wide awake until about 4 or 5 in the morning. I'm so tired during the day as a result and it doesn't help when I'm having to work every day to make up for the time I've had off thus far.

One more week and 4 days and the twins are off on their first plane flight :P. Kara and I are both reallllllly looking forward to Queensland... we need the holiday and the quality time together. I just hope it warms up a bit there before we arrive!!

Believe it or not but my stomach has grown even more... it seems to be getting bigger every other day. I just can't imagine how large I am going to get.

Oh... three more weeks and I will know whether these babies are pink or blue!!! At this stage, I'm still keeping it to myself to the disgust of many lol but they'll get over it. I feel like my body is on display at times lately ~ it will be nice to know something about it that only I know!!!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

The Belly :)

I'm feeling huge at the moment and thought I should start taking some belly pics for memory's sake. My nephew took one for me today (thanks Jaye!) and it kind of shows it.... I seem to stick out a lot more in real life but it gives you an idea xxx

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Great News...

... and lots of it.

It's been a bad almost two weeks again with sickness and I was back at the hospital yesterday. Constant vomiting and dehydrated again, so I was sent to an Ob. I am sooooo rapt to say that I was able to get the medication I need that is $300 a fortnight for $5.40!!! To say I'm relieved is a massive understatement.... I can eat again without living in the toilet.

While I was there, I asked if I could hear the babies' heart beats and the midwife said it was too early. When I went to see the Ob, I asked her too (lol) and she said she would happily try :) It was so nice to hear ... especially after being so sick.

I also got the results of my maternal screening tests (for chromosomal abnormalities). I had been prewarned that it's common for twin pregnancies to come back as "high risk" so it was something I've been quite worried about. If you fall into high risk, you then need to decide on whether or not you'll have an amnio... I definitely would so I could be prepared for whatever was coming our way. Fortunately, both twins came back as "no risk"... it didn't even say "low risk"..... which shocked me as I didn't even know that was a category!!!! I'm so so rapt ~ they're growing so well and I'm measuring 3 weeks ahead of where I should be. I feel like I'm about 6 months already lol.

Monday, June 21, 2010

I Can Feel You Twin B....

.... and I LOVE it!!!

For the past few days I've felt movement but today, I'm 100% sure it's baby (and not digestion lol). Apparently it's not uncommon to feel twins move very early and I was 16 weeks when I felt Kara, so expected to.

It is the best feeling. A bit of feedback telling me that everything is ok ~ with at least one of the babies. I can't wait to feel Twin A also but she/he is sitting further back and is also the smaller of the two.

Very exciting!

Thursday, June 17, 2010


We had our 11 week (and 4 day) scan yesterday and oh my, I was pleasantly surprised. Technology has come a long way since I was pregnant with Kara 8 years ago ~ I was amazed at how clear and detailed the scan was so early in the pregnancy.

The highlight for me was seeing Twin B sucking her/his thumb. It made the babies seem so 'real' ~ more human than little blobs lol. And the movement.... they didn't stop moving their arms and legs.... it was just soooo cute.

I can't believe I'm already at the end of the first trimester. Apart from the sickness, it really has just gone so fast. There is so much to do around here before I get too big to move around.... now I just need some motivation.

Some pics .....

Twin B full length... note the thumb sucking!

Twin B... close up of the thumb sucking :)

Twin A waving hello lol

Twin A from above... two little arms

Twin A face on... very alien like lol

I reallllly wanted a shot of both of the twins but they kept moving so we only got their heads.

Saturday, June 12, 2010


The twins are having their first interstate trip this weekend lol. Miss K and I drove to Melbourne yesterday for the long weekend and I'm so glad we did. Kara hasn't had time with her cousins in ages, so she's just loving it.

I've been up and down with sickness. Had a couple of bad days because I tried halving my meds (due to the cost), so I think I need to wait a bit longer.

Getting soooo excited about our scan on wednesday! I can't wait to see the babies looking like babies. Part of me is worried too ~ just the anticipation of knowing whether or not they're ok so far.....I hate the waiting.


Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Home Sweet Home

Well, what a few days....

As expected, I ended up in hospital for a few days and also as I expected, I hated the needles lol. I was severely dehydrated and just couldn't stop vomiting, but after trying several meds, we finally found one that works. It's a drug chemo patients have and unfortunately it's not on the PBS, so it's bloody expensive.... $90 for 5 days. At the moment though, it's absolute bliss being able to eat and drink and I'll be able to spend much more quality time with my princess.

Fortunately, the doctors weren't worried about the babies at all.... I was though. I really want to know they are ok but everybody kept assuring me they are fine ~ that they're sucking everything out of me lol. We have our 12 week scan next week, so I'll have to wait until then to see their tiny hearts beating.

I don't think I've ever appreciated food like I am atm at any other stage of my life. Or my own bed :)

Friday, June 4, 2010

Off to Hospital...

And I'm scared lmao.

I hate needles and the thought of being hooked up to one for 3 days doesn't sit well with me. I really don't have much choice though.... I feel like crap and can't keep anything down, so I need the nourishment for the babies.

Fingers crossed that they are both still ok.... xxx

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Still Sick lol

I haven't been updating because there's been little to update. The sickness is worse than it was a couple of weeks ago.... basically anything that goes into me, comes back out within 30 mins :( I've had to start taking another drug but so far, it's not making much difference... seeing my GP again tonight HOPING I don't have to go into hospital to be put onto a drip:(

My moods are all over the place. I think it's made worse by not being able to eat ~ I'm just feeling so tired and have very low tolerance. Poor Kara ~ things she would usually get away with are resulting in us arguing..... I'm trying soooo hard to be less of a cow but somedays, are failing.

My stomach has actually shrunk since I was 7 weeks. The moment I eat, I get very bloated and look about 6 months pregnant, but otherwise I'm looking about 12 weeks atm. Clothes still fit me with a safety pin lol ~ very different to how I was with Kara .... I was already an Oompa Loompa at this stage.

So, keep your fingers crossed that the sickness stops at 12 weeks (or at least at 15 weeks for our Qld trip). I don't think I could handle it for much longer than that.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Sick Sick Sick


It doesn't help that I have a virus which has resulted in me coughing (and vomiting) all night and day. In one hour tonight, I was sick 5 times.... it's just gross.

I had a scan yesterday.... it was mosly due to my anxiety and me being sick but also because I just needed to know that there are still two babies in there....

The scan was amazing. The woman was so lovely. I got all emotional (again) and she turned on a second screen so I could see everything she could. She kept saying "Oh they are just so cute" ~ I liked her instantly lol. Apparently twins are still a novelty there lol.

So here are the new bean shots...

Twin A ~ the smaller of the two thus far...

Twin B ~ which apparently looks like one of my friends (according to her LMAO).

Thursday, May 13, 2010


I know the 'babies' are the size of a seed lol but even so, my stomach has popped out. It's due to all of the hormones I'm guessing because I've not gained weight yet (the vomiting has helped that) but it's hard to cover the new 'pot'.

In one way, I can't wait until it gets just that bit bigger because at the moment, I just look fat lol.

Apart from that, nothing much else is happening. I have been hit with morning sickness and it's not nice but I keep trying to tell myself it's all good. When I am sick, I wish I wasn't but then if I have a break from it, I worry because I'm not lol.

Aside from the sickness, all is good. Everybody is shocked and bar a few stupid comments, people have just been so supportive and excited for us.

8 more weeks and I'll know what they are.... I think I've decided to keep it a surprise though. Kara will hate me for it but it will add to the excitement :P xxx

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Pram Shopping


I went to look at twin prams today ~ not with a view to buy one yet as it's way too early ~ but more to get an idea of cost. They're farking expensive lol.

I have chosen the one I want. I love it and it's exactly what I was looking for.

What I wanted was *something* that would enable me to have the babies in a car capsule. That way, with school drop offs and pick ups, shopping etc, I wouldn't have to wake the babies to move them ~ I could just take the capsule from car to pram and back again.

There's a pram called the City Select Stroller. It allows you to buy an extension to convert it to a double pram and then you have the option of using the standard seat that it comes with or clicking in car capsules. It's not cheap but then none of the twin ones were anyway and I think the little extra it will cost will be well worth the convenience. I just want to make everything as easy as possible.

I feel better today. Still totally overwhelmed but these babies have come into our lives for a reason. I feel so sick already and even though I'm only six weeks, my stomach is already starting to pop out. Apparently that's not uncommon and by 8-9 weeks, it will be difficult to cover.

So, Twin A and Twin B, I hope you're both growing happily in there. Even though I'm still in shock, you are both very very wanted xxx

Friday, May 7, 2010

Hard Day (Better Night)

I think reality came crashing down today.... in a big way. There were periods where I just couldn't stop crying and for the majority of them, I had no idea why. My head is just going from one thing to the next. It keeps coming back to one thing though ~ utter disbelief.

Part of me (a big part when I'm not crying) is so excited about 'twins'. I feel amazed that, all going well, I will experience this. That I will have two newborn babies in my arms in less than 7 months time.

Another part is terrified and that's where I was tonight. I just can't imagine two babies. Not on my own. I worry about how Kara's life will be altered. I worry about money. I worry I won't be able to be the mother I have been for Kara for these two babies.

I just cannot believe it.

I want these babies so badly. I really do. I'm just finding it so difficult to believe there are two inside me. That I will have three children.

Sue.... thank you so much for tonight. I'm still shaking my head but you are right ~ everything will be ok.

I hope.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

OK. This Is Umm........

.....I'm still deciding what it is.

Look at the pics... note there are the words Twin A and Twin B.

I'm in shock.
